Innovative Baking Trends in 2024 

By School for European Pastry


While specific dishes might not be as prominent as trends in baking and pastry, here are some of the hottest trends shaping the industry in 2024, which might inspire you to create your own famous dishes:

Vegan options are hot, with bakers using fancy stuff like chickpea water and nut butters to make delicious croissants, cheesecakes, and even macarons!


Plant-Based Delights


Bakers love its flavor and ease on the tummy, so expect sourdough pizzas, breads, and even sweet treats like cookies.

Sourdough Sensations


Think spices from Japan, India, or the Middle East! Fusion desserts mixing flavors from different cultures are becoming a big deal.

Global Fusion Flavors


Want your cake and eat it too? Look for pastries with probiotics, superfoods, or other good-for-you ingredients.

Functional Focus


Bite-sized treats like mini pies and single-serving cakes are trendy for convenience and portion control. Some snacks are even getting fancy with protein and energy boosts!

Snackable & Convenient


Handcrafted pastries with high-quality ingredients and beautiful designs are in demand. You can even get them customized to your liking!

Artisanal Aesthetics